Patna Metro Recruitment Online Form |
Short description :- Patna Metro Recruitment Online Form पटना मेट्रो के तरफ से एक बहुत ही अच्छी भर्ती सामने आयी है | ये भर्ती अलग अलग -अलग प्रकार के पदों पर होने वाली है | patna metro vacancy तो अगर आप भी इन पदों के लिए आवेदन करना चाहते है | तो निचे दी गयी जानाकारी को पूरी जरुर पढ़े | इस भर्ती की सबसे अच्छी बात यह है की |
patna metro vacancy इन पदों के लिए वेतनमान बहुत ही अधिक दिया जा रहा है |Patna Metro Recruitment Online Form इस भर्ती से जूरी सारी जानकारी जैसे :- वेतनमान , आवेदन तिथि और कौन -कौन से पद दिए गए है | और भी बहुत सी जानकारी निचे दी गयी है |Patna Metro Recruitment Online Form
patna metro vacancyजैसे ही इन पदों के लिए आवेदन शुरू किये जायेगे |patna metro vacancy आपको सबसे पहले हमारी वेबसाइट के माध्यम से सूचना दे दी जाएगी |
Important dates |
- Start date for apply :- 17/03/2021
- Last date for apply :-26/03/2021
आवेदन प्रक्रिया |
- Patna Metro Recruitment Online Form इन पदों के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए आपको निचे दिए गए लिंक के मध्यम से फॉर्म डाउनलोड करना होगा |
- उसके बाद आपको ईमेल आईडी के माध्यम से आवेदन करना होगा |
- Email id :-
Post details |
Post name | Number of post |
Senior planner | 03 |
Senior urban designer | 01 |
Assistant planner | 09 |
Assistant urban designer | 03 |
junior staff (GIS) | 04 |
Junior staff (junior engineer) | 04 |
Junior staff (surveyor/ amin) | 04 |
Junior staff (Draughtsman) | 04 |
Education qualification |
- Senior planner :-
- Masters in planning /uban and rural planning /city planning /regional planning or equivalent after. B.Arch/B.plan /B.E civil /masters in geography from reputed University /Institutions.
- Senior urban designer :-
- Masters in urban design /architecture (urban design)or equivalent after B.Arch from reputed University /Institutions.
- Assistant planner :-
- Masters in planning /uban and rural planning /city planning /regional planning or equivalent after. B.Arch/B.plan /B.E civil /masters in geography from reputed University /Institutions.
- Assistant urban designer :-
- Masters in urban design /architecture (urban design) or equivalent after E.Arch from reputed university /institutions.
- junior staff (GIS) :-
- Masters in geoinformatics or PG diploma in remote sensing after B.E./B.Tech/graduate in (Geography/Geology/Environm ental science)
- Junior staff (junior engineer) :-
- Diploma in civil engineering from AICTE recognized college/University.
- Junior staff (surveyor/ amin) :-
- Diploma in land survey /passing certificate of of surveyor trainging from ITI/amant certificat from govt. affiliated institute.
- Junior staff (Draughtsman) :-
- 3 years course of diploma in architectural assistant ship from AICTE recognized college/university.
Experience |
- Senior planner :- Minimum 7 years of work experience including relevant experience of 3 years in master plan /zonal plans /town planing scheme /local area plan /area development scheme.
- Note :- preference shall be giver to the applicent having higher relevant work experience of town planning scheme /land po0ling scheme /area development projects in planning authority /town and country planning organization.
- Senior urban designer :- Minimum 7 years of total experience including relevant experience of 3 years in urban design related projects related with local area plan/plan of urban renewal scheme.
- Note :- preference shall be given to the applicant having higher relevant work ecperience of local area plan/are development projects related to urban design in planning authority /urban development authority town and country planning organization.
- Assistant planner :- Fresher of experienced
- Assistant urban designer :- Fresher of experienced
- junior staff (GIS) :- Minimum 3 years of total experience including 1 years of relevant experience including 1 years of relevalnt experience in master plan /Base map projects.
- Junior staff (junior engineer) :-Minimum 5 years of total experience in similar field .
- Junior staff (surveyor/ amin) :- Minimum 5 years of total experience in similar field of land surveying.
- Junior staff (Draughtsman) :- Minimum 5 years of total experience in similar field .
Pay scale |
- Senior planner :- 100000/-
- Senior urban designer :- 100000/-
- Assistant planner :- 40,000/-
- Assistant urban designer :- 40,000/-
- junior staff (GIS) :- 30,000/-
- Junior staff (junior engineer) :-27,000/-
- Junior staff (surveyor/ amin) :- 25,000/-
- Junior staff (Draughtsman) :-27,000/-
Important links |
For form download | Click here |
Download notification | Click here |
Indian Coast Guard Cleaner Vacancy | Click here |
Official website | Click here |